Doctors' Voice

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In an important decision Hon'ble Supreme Court of India said, that if the advise of a lawyer and Doctors goes wrong in some way, even than no case under section 420 IPC or something like that can be registered against him/her. Though Supreme Court also said that Lawyer and Doctors should take care of the interests of his/her clients.(Justice P. Sthasivam and Justice Ranjan Gogoi bench)
Court also said that in professions like lawyers and doctors, the professionals cannot guarantee for the success of the case. Courts said that the advocate cannot provide guarantee to his/her client that he would definitely win the case and nor doctor can tell his patient that is operations are always successful. And though this professions doctor and lawyer can only say that they are experienced in their work and they would do their best efforts so that they are successful.

Very good judgement for Doctors and Advocates. Please circulate it as widely as possible among your Doctor and Advocate friends.

चिकित्सक Vs ज़ाहिल

आपमें से बहुत कम लोग जानते हैं क़ि तीन साल की MD या MS की कठिन ट्रेनिंग में खासकर पहले वर्ष में प्रतिदिन औसत 4 घंटे की नींद भी उन युवा चिकित्सकों को नहीं मिल पाती।

कुछ डिपार्टमेंट्स में तो लगातार एक वर्ष वार्ड में रहना होता है।
हाँ न घर न हॉस्टल। बहुत डांट पड़ती है अपने सीनियर और प्रोफेसर से हर छोटी सी गलती पर भी। मरीजों के प्रति व्यवहार और केअर पर बहुत से सेमीनार भी होते हैं।
बीमारी,डिप्रेशन भी कुछ युवा चिकित्सकों को इस दौरान घेर लेता है। gyne में MS करने वाली लड़कियां तो आये दिन रोती मिलेंगी। 23 से 30 वर्ष के ये युवा कमरे में आंसू बहाते मिल जाएंगे। एम्स में प्रति 2 वर्ष एक सुसाइड आपको सुनने मिल जायेगा, हाँ वही एम्स जहाँ लाखों में एक छात्र के पंहुचने की क्षमता होती है।

कई बार बिना ग्लव्स, बिना मास्क के वे अपनी जान की परवाह किये बिना तीमारदारी में लगे रहते हैं।
मेरे अनेक MD स्टूडेंट स्वाइन फ्लू, TB ,Dengue जैसी बीमारियों के शिकार हो चुके। हर सरकारी मेडिकल कॉलेज में होते हैं। खाना खाने का वक़्त नहीं होता और कई बार घंटों पानी पीने का तक।

दिन रात लगातार काम के बाद पढ़ना भी होता है। और थीसिस भी करनी होती है।

जहां मानवाधिकार एक हफ्ते में 40 घंटे काम की बात कहते हैं
वहीँ ये चिकित्सक कई बार लगातार 90 घंटे की ड्यूटी करते हैं।
कभी कभी 40 घंटे तक सो नहीं पाते। हर सप्ताह में औसत ड्यूटी के घंटे 100 के ऊपर हो जाते हैं। छुट्टियां ले पाना भी मुश्किल होता है। बीमार बच्चे की माँ तक थक कर सो ज़ाती है लेकिन रेज़िडेंट चिकित्सक जगा होता है।

मीडिया को, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मीडिया को मैं एक अच्छा विषय दे रहा हूँ। आपने अपनी उत्पत्ति से आज तक लापरवाह चिकित्सक , कातिल डॉक्टर , किडनी चोर डॉक्टर, डॉक्टर या हैवान की की हैडिंग के साथ बहुत से कार्यक्रम और ख़बरें दिखाईं और एक कड़वा पब्लिक ओपिनियन बखूबी बना दिया। ये अलग बात है कि मेरे बहुत से सीनियर और जूनियर पत्रकार मित्र कभी चिकित्सक बनना चाहते थे लेकिन सेलेक्ट नहीं हो पाए थे। तो ज़रा इनका जीवन करीब से देख कर खुश हो लीजिये कि सिलेक्शन न होने से आप किससे बच गए।

तो विषय है किसी भी सरकारी अस्पताल में पीजी कर रहे चिकित्सकों के 48 घंटों पर एक डॉक्यूमेंट्री बनायें। सच्ची डॉक्यूमेंट्री। 24 घंटे अपने संवाददाता को रेज़िडेंट के साथ रहने दीजिए बस। आप आर्मी पर बहुत बार यह अच्छा कार्यक्रम कर चुके हैं।

वादा करता हूँ बहुत TRP मिलेगी। क्योंकि युवा चिकित्सकों
का यह जीवन बहुत कम लोग जानते हैं।

ऐसे में ओर्थोपेडिक रेजिडेंट (भाई उसे 30 हज़ार स्टाइपेंड मिलता है MS करने के दौरान बस... कोई पैसे नहीं लूटने थे उसे आपसे) को 20 ज़ाहिल लोगों ने जिस तरह मारा और एक आँख ख़राब कर दी बिना किसी गलती के पूरा चिकित्सा जगत उद्वेलित है, दुखी है। वो ब्राइट बच्चा किसी माता पिता का सपना रहा होगा। क्या वो कभी फिर मरीज़ देख पायेगा?
राजनीतिज्ञों की, कोर्ट की, समाज की खामोशी और भी भयावह है।

मोदी जी आपसे अनुरोध है मन की बात में इस मुद्दे को रखिये।

देश के स्वास्थ्य आंकड़े बेहद शर्मनाक हैं। यह देश को तय करना है कि देश को बीमारियों से लड़ना है क़ि चिकित्सकों से।

आपके लिए हमेशा से समर्पित

Rules for Happy Doctor's Life

0. Dear Doctors work only for 8 hours
1. By working more you are more vulnerable to assaults
2. By working more you will earn more.... but at the year end, govt will take it away from your pockets
3. You can spend more time with family so tensions and sudden heart attacks will be less
4. You can spend time for nurturing your hobbies.
5. By seeing crores of patients and doing lakhs of surgeries... you may secure place in limca or Guinness world records.... but one slap from mob will ruin everything. (And what the hell... you will achieve by doing records)
6. By doing social service and charity you may prepare for padmasree... But it is better to lobby with politician without working for such awards
7. Be happy daily for your 8 hour working. You will get less money but 100 percent mind satisfaction guarantee
8. Don't look at other's car or earning.. decide your goal and ambition.
9. Don't do what you don't know.. And never try what you have just saw and not learned (for surgeons)
10. Firmly say no after your working hours (never think that world will stop if you don't work)
11. Don't take unnecessary risks of doing surgeries where OT setup is poor (and don't get frustrated to see someone operating in such setup. Always remember "Har kutte ka din hota hai")
12. Never ever give your documents to others for someone else's hospital registration.
13. Never ever do illegal operation and procedures even if you get lakhs of rupees. (It is better to cheat banks like Vijay mallya than taking such risks)
14. Never ever pass any bad comment about your colleagues when patient seeks second opinion. (There is no one on this earth who has not done any mistake except God. And remember you too are sailing in same boat)
15. Always involve other specialities during treatment of chronic systemic diseases.
16. At the end listen to your inner voice always ... when you see dilemma in any situation

Enjoy Life...... Enjoy your profession...


The incidents of mob violence against doctors and hospitals are painful to say the least. Our image as a service rendering industry has taken a beating and our response to the violence has not helped our image either. As the opinion about doctors is changing in public, media somewhere we ourselves are responsible.

We never come with the other side of story in any viral news against us.

The need of time is we must create our own media portal or at least involve a P. R firm to tell our side of the story. This public relations is acutely lacking and we have not been able to emphasize to the public that the accident victim died because of the potholes in the road and not because of the treating doctor, the yearly harvest of Japanese encephalitis is because of the negligent municipality and not the treating doctor. Who will tell this if we don't? That is why we IMA should hire a P. R firm and seriously work with them. Flyers, magazines, adverts, documentary films should all be our tools.

One such suggestion is 'a nationwide ima magazine' um regional language as well as in hindi and English, designed not for doctors but for common public.
This magazine will be full of health information so obviously much useful for people.

But the interesting part will be detailed story on every bad event or agenda against us revealing the direct and indirect consequences upon us as well on the health system of india.

This magazine should also include complain and suggestions from public, their opinion on health system etc.

Not for business purpose so no advertisement.

Available for sale at every Doctor's clinic private or govt.

Also free to read sample copy available at every clinic.... patient and attendant will read in the waiting period.

This is the only way common people will come to know the real situation and thus the real solution will get it's shape.

Coz strike and viral message on social media is not going to help us so much against the sold print and electronic media.

A second and equally important aspect of our response should be mutual respect for our fellow colleagues. Derogatory remarks, stupid one upmanship and accepting bribes in cash or kind from them is demeaning no matter how you choose to look at it. And believe me, the public is quick to identify the black sheep and it is because of these guys that we all get a bad name. How they deal with themselves and how you deal with them will also be a very important factor which will mould the public's perception of our trade. We should never forget that we are a part of the society and so should be seen mingling freely in social non-medical circles like Durga Puja, Ramlila, Ganesh Chaturthi, Iftars, Lohri and Christmas. Staying aloof makes us vulnerable as our society is our strength. The IMA must have a yearly sit down with the local police, local MP and MLA, the local judiciary and the DM and frankly discuss the health issues - the outbreak of Dengue, the rising trends of accidents, the maternal and infant mortality and also the law and order in our campuses. If we provide them some constructive suggestions they will surely be more helpful.

Give your opinion.

Think about it

Share with your friends. But most importantly IMA must be proactive and not merely reactive. Black ribbons, candle marches and jindabad-murdabad will get us nowhere.